It’s better to fail spectacularly while reaching for the stars than it is to succeed at something we never really wanted in the first place. - David duChamin
I'm starting this page to keep track of what I want to tackle with my photography. I plan to keep adding notes to it as I go, and will probably have to think of some way to track progress on each one of the things I want to be sure to learn.
- Control aperture: select depth of field on purpose, blur background for effect
- Execute good exposure manually; control exposure for creative effect
- Learn to use and manipulate ISO settings: what it does, why to use, when to use vs. other settings like exposure +/-
- How to take pictures indoors without orange incandescent light tinge
- How to use Aperture Priority setting
- How to use the flash without it washing out everything, being too harsh
- Learn to maximize existing light that is generally not ideal
- Ability to create interesting and compellingly composed photographs
- Ability to do cool bokeh
- Define a workflow in Aperture, including organization, rating system, and keyword logic
- Ability to edit photos in Aperture: create effects, filters, black & white, sepia, colorized
- Determine what to replace my broken lens with
- Night star shots
- Night traffic shots
- Get over feeling awkward whipping out my huge camera to take pictures, maybe tackle tripod phobia
1/5/11 - already panicking nightly about what to capture for my photo.
1/10/11 - getting bored with indoor light in the evening. Everything is orange. The flash is too harsh, the light too cold and blue.
1/12/11 - not sure about continuing with Flickr. Started posting and logging 365 project with Picasa to make sure I could always access the full file photos for free, and know which ones I used for the project.
1/16/11 - decided I needed a mentor. Started looking. Found some good options.
1/18/11 - submitted my first 365 to the Shutter Sisters photostream. Joining the conversation on Flickr.
2/11 - bought filter for on-camera flash. This rocks and softens things.
2/21/11 - broke out the flashes from Mom's old set up taking photos of her art. LOVE this!
3/6/11 - finally bought new lens: Nikon 50mm 1:1.4 AF - LOVE this!
4/24/11 - beginning to get over big camera phobia. Less weirded out by whipping that bad boy out. People actually are now referring to me and my "cameras". Definitely more comfortable with aperture priority, shutter priority, and learning more about how to control the exposure in the dSLR. Starting to consider running it in full manual mode (although I'm much more comfortable in full manual with the film camera), and am understanding more about what the information the dSLR presents in the viewfinder means and how to use it.
11/21/11 - wow. wow, wow, wow. So much to say. I came to post ideas.